I seem to be very busy without actually achieving anything, so sorry to everyone who's text messages, emails, etc. I have not responded to. Being back at work is a bit rubbish, but at least I have a race to look forward to at the weekend... It's my first run at our local 10k, and first race in a club vest so I'm quite nervous!
It feels very wierd getting off the bike at work and not carrying on all day too, but the legs feel fine. I think the real test of whether the challenge has made me fitter or just knackered will be the Lakeland 100, the weekend after next.
I'm still fundraising, and hoping to produce a 30 minute-ish DVD of the challenge which will be available free in the hope of getting some more donations. I also have a few things to sell, namely the Wild Spirit Sailing Weekend for 8 and a signed Dyson vacuum cleaner (Please get in touch if you are interested in snapping up either of these before they are generally available!).
Finally, if anyone is interested, I'll do talks or presentations in return for donations! For now, I give you sunset on the Isles of Scilly.

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