"I wish Stuart all the best with his British Isles Challenge journey and fundraising efforts. It may not be an expedition to the ends of the earth, but the venture brings its own very real challenges, and will certainly test him to the limits. I would urge anyone to support the trip as much as possible"

Sir Ranulph Fiennes OBE - Nominal Patron

Tuesday 14 July 2009

The End. Well done that man!

And so friends, all too soon we have reached the end of the challenge. 1,300 miles, eaten up by Stu with the appetite of a starved alligator.

Orkney became the revised finishing point (after the costs of getting the rowing boat up to Scotland for the crossing to Shetland made it unfeasible).

So a mere 85 miles jaunt on the bike today saw Stu cycling up to the northern edge of the mainland of Orkney. A mile run at the end took him to the most northerly point of the trip, Brough Head. Result!

Stu will be returning to the land of internet connection in a day or two, and will be able to provide a far fuller and more amusing account of all his adventures.

For now, all we can say is, well done that man!
1,300 miles by foot / bike / kayak... I think it's pretty difficult to try and imagine what that must be like, and I know he was a bit daunted at the start, but 'don't panic, do crack on' seems to have got him through!

If you haven't already sponsored Stu, it is definitely not too late. To be serious for a minute, all three charities are well worth a few quid, so if you can spare it then please do it for the kids!

Lorna xx

1 comment:

  1. Word up Stuart! Any man who can run/cycle/kayak the length of the British Isles is worthy of a few quid in my book, I'll get on and sponsor you a few quid, well done. I'd have expected you to swim the Orkney/Shetland stretch though...!
