"I wish Stuart all the best with his British Isles Challenge journey and fundraising efforts. It may not be an expedition to the ends of the earth, but the venture brings its own very real challenges, and will certainly test him to the limits. I would urge anyone to support the trip as much as possible"

Sir Ranulph Fiennes OBE - Nominal Patron

Wednesday, 8 April 2009

Sea Kayaking

Last weekend we went Sea Kayaking. We had a two-day lesson with the National Kayak School in Oban... It was exactly as I had hoped! We did some practice around the harbour on the first morning, but the weather was rubbish so we put the boats on a trailer and drove up the road to a more sheltered spot...

On Sunday the weather was very sunny and not too windy, so we went for a longer paddle and practiced everything we had learnt. Afterwards we went out for dinner at the Seafood Temple. It was very nice but almost as challenging as the kayaking - I think we covered most other diners in bits of crab and lobster shell by the end...

This weekend I'm going to test the mountain biking and camping plan by doing a two-day trip with all the gear. Hopefully 100 miles, then I'll see what effect that has on the legs. Also, in the last couple of days I have had very kind offers of help from Dyson, the Edinburgh Bicycle Co-Operative, and SIS Sports Nutrition (more on these in a bit).

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