"I wish Stuart all the best with his British Isles Challenge journey and fundraising efforts. It may not be an expedition to the ends of the earth, but the venture brings its own very real challenges, and will certainly test him to the limits. I would urge anyone to support the trip as much as possible"

Sir Ranulph Fiennes OBE - Nominal Patron

Monday, 27 April 2009

Don't Panic!

Very busy at the moment, hence the lack of blogging... The British Isles Challenge should start to get some good publicity in the next few days and weeks though, appearing in an on various magazines and websites. Thanks Dad and Lorna for help with this!

I also collected the trailer from Edinburgh Bicycle Co-Operative in Leeds at the weekend, and took it for a little test run this evening (filled with most of the contents of our kitchen to simulate camping gear!).
I had a good run last weekend at Calderdale Hike (6:40), and ran the last 10 miles or so with Wendy Dodds (impressive) which was great. One of the good things about silly sports like these is that they appeal to nice down-to-earth people, despite their incredible achievements. Starting to think about the Fellsman (9th May) now, not the longest this year but still 62 miles, and hard terrain with 11,000 feet of climb. This will be my last big race till after the British Isles Challenge.

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